Turkish traditional music song writer / composer and kanun player of Armenian origin. Candan was born in Selanik. He brought up with lessons from Ud player Ahmet bey in Selanik (Salonica).
After studying medicine for two years in Istanbul, he left school and began working as a kanun player in the commercial scene, and played in Kemânî Tatyos’ group. The “His Master’s Voice” company, where he worked as a conductor of Turkish music, allowed several of his pieces to be recorded.
He worked in the performance group of the Istanbul Municipal Conservatory for a long time, and undertook the director’s position in the record company “Sahibinin Sesi” for a while. He died at 63 years old of bladder cancer, and was buried in the Şişli Armenian cemetery. He composed around 50 pieces in song style. Among his masterpieces: “Koklasam saçlarını bir gece ta fecre kadar”, “Hani ya sen benimdin niye döndün sözünden”, “Ruhumda bahar açtı onun bülbülü sensin”.