This Italian orchestra and band conductor was born in Bergamo, Italy and died in Istanbul. He was the older brother of Italian opera composer Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848). Giuseppe first began learning music from his uncle, Carini Donizetti and, after enlisting in Napoleon’s army in 1808, served as band director on his campaigns to Austria and Spain. After Napoleon fell from power, he became a conductor in the Kingdom of Piemonte-Sardinia. After the abolition of the Mehterhâne-i Hâkanî in 1826 by Mahmut II, the Mızıka-i Hümayun, formed together with the Istanbul ambassador of the Kingdom of Piemonte-Sardinia and Frenchman Marquel, did not find favor, and Giuseppe Donizetti was invited to Istanbul to lead it. Donizetti arrived in Istanbul in 1828, and one month later lead the band in its first concert. During the same year he wrote the Mahmudiye March, and in 1839, composed the Mecidiye March. Both were played as the national anthem by the sultans to whom they were dedicated. He also converted some works of Turkish music to tempered and polyphonic systems. In his own works, he took pains to employ the Turkish makams, and composed a three-part Peşrev in Sofyan Şevkefzâ.
He received the İftihar medal from Mahmud II, the Mecîdî medal from Sultan Abdülmecid, and the Légion d’Honneur medal from France. He was given the rank of colonel at first, and received the title “Bey;” during the last years of his life he was promoted to major general and received the title “Paşa.” Among his students were Necip Paşa, Osman Paşa, Hacı İbrahim Paşa, Süleyman Paşa, Neşet Paşa, Albay Halil Bey, Yarbay Âtıf Bey, Sultan Abdülmecit and Nigâr Kalfa