Greek composer and lutanist. Hristo Ağa was the younger brother of Civan and Andon Ağa. In old age, he had psychological problems and committed suicide, jumping from the window of his house. The information about Hristo Ağa can be found in a book by Sadun Aksüt, who was a music writer and Tambur player and transferred this information from lute (ud) player, Yorgo Bacanos: “Vasil, Andon ve Hristo üçlüsünün çaldığı köçekçelere, tavşancalara Tanburî Cemil Bey hayran olur ve her fırsatta Vasil’in elini öpermiş. Kemençeci Vasil, ustası ve arkadaşı olan Andon ve Hristo’yu minnet ve sanat borcuyla ölene kadar yanından ayırmamıştır” (Aksüt, Türk Musikisinin 100 Bestekârı, p. 238).
There are around 500 songs and kanto in a magazine which consists of 10 sections. These were composed by eight composers including Hristo Efendi. According to the musicologist, Yılmaz Öztuna, Hristo Ağa’s masterpiece songs are: Kürdîli Hicâzkâr Aksak, Karcığar Yürük Aksak, Karcığar Yürük Curcuna, Isfahân Aksak, Segâh Aksak, Şevk-Efzâ Aksak, Sûznâk Aksak, Nihâvend Yürük Curcuna.